Shed Hunting

Maybe its the fact that I used to hike as part of my job, or that we have some excellent mountain biking trails around Cody that have been rideable all winter, but I rarely grab my hiking boots when going on a weekend adventure. I guess hiking just isn't my favorite form of travel. I almost always prefer two wheels. The exception is when there is a tangible goal, e.g. hunting or fishing. Although hunting season is long gone, spring offers another reason to be out there: horn hunting. Every spring, deer and elk drop their antlers leaving them nonchalantly lying here and there. In Wyoming, it is kind of big business. Many buyers offer $16 a pound for good antlers. And whats not to like about traipsing around the mountains in search of quick money.

We spent the better part of yesterday doing just that. Up, down, and around. Deer, fox, and bighorn. Wind, wind, wind. Didn't find a single antler.